Jodda Moore, et al. v. Independence Blue Cross, LLC

Notice of Settlement of Collective and Class Action Lawsuit

Jodda Moore, et al. v. Independence Blue Cross, LLC d/b/a Independence Blue Cross, No. 2:23-cv-00566-KNS (E.D. Pa.)

A court authorized this Notice. It is not a solicitation from a lawyer, and you are not being sued. However, your rights could be affected by how you respond to this Notice.

DO NOTHING You will receive your Settlement Payment at the address Independence Blue Cross, LLC has on file. You will be bound by the settlement and will release claims you may have against the Released Parties, as explained below.
OPT OUT Get no payment. This is the only option that allows you to be part of any other lawsuit against Independence Blue Cross, LLC regarding payment for performing pre-shift computer login procedures during the time February 13, 2020 through February 13, 2023.
OBJECT Write a statement about what you object to in the Settlement for the administrator to file with the Court.

If you received in the mail a Notice of Settlement of FLSA Collective and Class Action Lawsuit (“Notice”) in the above-titled Lawsuit pending against Defendant Independence Blue Cross, LLC (“Defendant” or “Independence”), it is because Independence’s records show that you worked for Independence at any time from February 13, 2020 through February 13, 2023 (the “Relevant Period”) either in-person or remotely in one or more of the following hourly-paid positions: customer service representatives, senior customer service representatives, lead customer service representatives, and/or team lead operations in Independence’s Customer Service Department, regardless of the members/clients served (collectively, the “Covered Positions”).  If Independence’s records reflect that you meet the definition for the Settlement Class and Settlement Collective, you are entitled to receive money from the Settlement.

These rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained in the Notice of Settlement of Collective and Class Action Lawsuit.